最记得那句“Get off my plane!”艾玛总统帅死了.....但那个空军少校还是什么的死得太不值了.......然后那几个保驾护航的F16有一两架也挂得很可惜.....小时候看的但是震撼太深刻了
Epitome of the mainstream action-comedy Hollywoodia flick. It’s a succession of clicheys and cool jokes, combined in the most formulaic package, completed with the “love is the answer” happy ending, the occasional though useless sexposing, the bloodless violence & action and suspense simulacrum. In it everything is objectified and reduced to a commodified version of reality: flight hostesses are walking tits, radio hosts are hysterical Black queens, villains speak in British accents, Moms are depressive-possessive nagging bitches, half-naked Hawaiians make the welcoming hotel staff, flying food trucks are run by old Asians and the list goes on... Story is laughably weak too.