故事水演技糟音乐也不知怎么选的亏的演员有爱伍迪天天谈上帝/意义但根本就不真care那个就是喋喋不休的虚伪下最普通的心理:自个儿不好就看不惯人家好自己高兴了怎么都行而且这几年的片审美从里到外都太中产了校园春色电影是嘲笑刻奇还是本身就是刻奇还是就想赚中产钱啊伍迪|| 石头姐首映那身美极
Not bad, surprisingly. The Farewell offers a window through which westerners could see and appreciate common Chinese beliefs and values manifested naturally in people's daily life and interactions. It does a good job to present modern China and its ecosystem on a micro-level, i.e. family, without sugarcoating or demonising it. I understand why some Chinese audience may argue that the view of culture differences (expressed explicitly through conversations) is superficial, but I think this superficiality actually renders it particularly true, because that very view is held by actual people - it is not imagined, and it is not profound for a purpose.